Claims against MAS5 mortgages and Co-op bank


As part of our work with mortgage prisoners, Harcus Parker acts for a number of individuals whose mortgages have been operated by Mortgage Advisory Services Number 5 (‘MAS5’) which is a subsidiary of the Co-operative Bank. If your mortgage has been administered by MAS5 and you would like to get in touch about a potential claim, please fill out the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.

    Register your interest

    Your security is of the upmost importance to us. We will never ask for your bank details over the telephone; or ask you to make a payment to us or to a crypto wallet. Please be wary of unexpected or unsolicited communications, especially if they request personal or financial information or seek to create a sense of urgency. If you are unsure that the any communication is genuine, please contact Harcus Parker on the main website